Books published

Picture of the original Norwegian edition.*

Does The Cancer Riddle Have A Solution, subtitled "An Introduction to healing cancer treatment". The book provides answers to vital questions, answers that concern the vast majority of us - whether we have the disease within the family and circle of friends, under the skin or are engaged with patients having access to curative cancer treatment.

The author's starting point is that he himself got a serious cancer diagnosis in the spring of 2007, which he quickly realized was within a category in which patients at this stage had a statistically survival percentage that can be counted on one hand. The day after the diagnosis he received the first of two simple and inexpensive (NOK kr. 500/$ 60 per. Pcs.) treatments in a clinic - where he already knew it had happened several miraculous recoveries of cancer patients the Radium Hospital - the central Norwegian cancer hospital - had given up on.
He just made the second treatment before MR and CT images, biopsies and then chemotherapy, radiation, and finally surgery was on the program. When two series of images a few weeks apart showed no growth in the tumor and biopsies showed that the cancer cells were "disarmed" - they were no longer able to infiltrate other tissues and organs - he put the other treatments on hold and began to write down in diary form what followed this dramatic spring.

The almost tangerine large tumor was admittedly not gone, but significantly and indisputable smaller, because the “pencils” in the toilet bowl had become "cigars" again. The disease was first discovered at a late stage because in the colon tumors can become exceptionally large without involving other tissues and nerves, and thus also a high probability of metastasis before they are discovered.
The next extraordinary experience was that the likely metastasis as assumed by the clinician: That the metastases is the first to disappear. Traces were found only in enlarged lymph nodes, but both biopsies and the ultrasound specialist at the Norwegian Radium Hospital proved no longer pathological (contained cancer cells).
The apparently slow-growing tumor had partly become connective tissue and would eventually have to be removed completely by surgery. Finn Thoresen took until further notice - until samples would detect cancer cells - the chance not to do this.
There were still many thrilling hospital visits and discussions with the oncologist, relating to the results of the controls of biopsies, MRI- CT- PET CT- and ultrasound images in the two years that the first book covers.

Six months after the diagnosis and still free of dangerous cancer cells, Thoresen began to wonder why this simple, affordable and hassle-free treatment not long since was offered to Norwegian cancer patients - 25 years after its discovery (!) - and he decided that "the world" had to learn more about this.
To be a "shod shoemaker" he entered a several years long independent study where he interspersed Scientific Literature into the documentary text that he the first weeks after the diagnosis had seen as his diary to the next of kin. His early debut as a writer, at Gyldendal Norwegian Publishing in 1977, supplemented with different literary activities later in life, made his ambition realistic: To impart experience and in depth expertise on treatment and research in a both readable and relevant academic book.
The book's main message is the possibilities that established research and knowledge can give our health care system. The Scientific Literature is also intertwined with the diary in a way that makes it a story interspersed with a number of unknowns, little known and surprising insights into a field where patients and the general population is either given inadequate or directly wrong information on important aspects of the cancer complex.
The ambition has consistently been to tell "the whole truth" no matter how controversial this may be, and how problematic it can be to try and eliminate illusions, dogmas and disinformation media have conveyed without a particular thorough evaluation. The book will thus reveal a brutal reality behind the impression that has formed through information partially given media by back-row players that is not a part of the health care system - that belongs to the world of finance.
Why Are Thoresen´s discovery (he is not related to the author), today nearly 30 years later, is not adopted by our health care system – will be explained here.

Now we discussed the second most exciting aspect of the new method: The most exciting thing is of course if research has been able to substantiate and explain what gives the method its healing effect. It is not enough to show that the effect is demonstrated at clinics in many countries and all five continents (!).
Are Thoresen therefore decided to accept an offer of cooperation from molecular biologist Sergio Manzetti in 2001. During eight years, where the first five was spent to identify the difference that arose in the patient's blood the minute it took from drawing the first blood test before an acupuncture needle was inserted (Are Thoresen masters the demanding one-needle therapy) to the next blood test.
When the difference was first identified and patented - which in itself is a milestone: A documentation of the method’s correctness - Manzetti achieved to "translate" the medical methodology from the other side of the world (China) in a form our western world's scientists need to accept new medical therapies.
Manzetti has not only shown the west that the method is effective - in the laboratory, in competition with the most effective chemotherapeutic drugs - but also how the method works through "RNA" trails, also termed mechanism trials. Such trials are the last to be done before testing on humans and animals, and showed in this case how changes in blood composition within minutes of a newly developed acupuncture method gives the patient his ravaged defenses against cancer a "boost" and an upsurge against former heights.
*In clinics it shows that the bulk of those who try the method, animals or humans, becomes healthy.. *

Read More about book-publication covering topics of a third upcoming book release.
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