TheMa Publishing present


Thema Publishing House has, in agreement with Are Thoresen, given me the assignment to examine whether Are Thoresen method with control of the 5 elements is treatment practiced abroad and with what kind of results
It's about answering a few simple questions.
That does not mean that the answers must be simple, but as detailed that you feel is necessary to give a full answer.
Those of you who have previously responded to Thoresens questions about possible changes in the results of treatment are kindly asked also to participate in this survey. The investigation results could be decisive for how to carry out the investigation of this method in Norwegian hospitals, and we are dependent of getting a representative number of responses.

For security reasons, we will not create an interactive connection. Therefore, we ask that the questions be answered in a separate email, directly or in attached text file. You need not enter your questions, just enter which number the answers belongs to.

The responses sent to assistant professor The address is at Oestfold University College with the highest possible security level - referred to here in case anyone would describe a case that theoretically would be recognizable.
When the word "patient" is used it applies both animals and humans. You who solely is treating animals are as important as those who treat people or both - such as Are Thoresen.

Those of you who need a documentation of E. Astrups qualifications and employment can first send a request by e-mail that will be answer from her employer.

The questions:

  1. When did you start using Are Thoresen method with control of the 5 elements method?

  2. Approximately how many Patients have you treated?

  3. What results have been Achieved?

  4. Include informationabout if the patient has Received other treatments, and How appropriate the patients Consider the value of this method's efficacy against other treatments. *

  5. Have you detected any tendency of change(s) in the Patients response to treatment of cancer with Are Thoresen method with control of the 5 elements.

  6. If yes: Please describe the changes in detail, and approximately When The change first was registered?

If there is uncertainty about this, for example, Because you have not dealt with many, you can still answer example about year 2000/2001 (Randomly Chosen year).

  1. If yes two Question 4.: Have you made any changes in the method of treatment - and if so, how and with what results.

You can RESPOND in acupuncture academic terms that Thoresen can "translate" for me - because of my naturalmedical background.

Elisabet Astrup
Ass. Proffesor, Hoegskolen i Oestfold