
is an acronym for the first name of Thea Marie, and the publisher is established by the memorial fund for Thea Marie Astrup, 12/27/1988 - 01/31/2015.

Drawing: Helena Rosenlund Tusvik

The publisher and this web site are sprouts from Thea Marie's activities within culture and care that shoots from the grave in the spring and early summer 2015.

The site has three main themes. They are marked on the top left and lead to several articles - by links under the main articles.

A few months before her death Thea Marie accepted the challenge of becoming a key employee in a small publishing company with huge ambitions - that even after a year of planning had not yet been named. The name came to one of us the night after the news of her sudden death.

Thea Marie's commitment as a journalist and critic for Universitas, the student newspaper of the University of Oslo, the steady course she kept with its many contributions to improvements within healthcare, and her contribution to the publisher's first book – Does The Cancer Riddle Have A Solution - are three of several good reasons why she was asked to fill that role.

She had also started a literary production of poems and lyrics, together with a selection from her large collection of photographs will become a book during 2016.

That Thea Marie in her 26 years of life lived to see that four of her immediate family were affected by cancer: grandfather, grandmother, aunt and dad, in chronological order - and that half died of the disease - is representative of the situation of today's young generation in this modern, industrialized society. This was in fact exactly half of her grandparents, aunts and parents.

This shows in all its horror the necessity of thinking fundamentally new about the cancer complex - which also have been done in both one, two and three decades by the researchers who is presented in the books. The knowledge they represent, in theory and in practice, is revolutionary. It has unfortunately yet so far been silenced in Norway, or been directly opposed by those both in power and out of different motives see themselves best served by maintaining the status quo.

The question now is whether spreading the essence of the most important new knowledge to as many as possible of those this regards - that is, virtually all of us - will be like the "dandelions" underneath the asphalt, which in protest use nature's force and real authority to blast through and into a better future.

In keeping with Thea Marie's ambition in all contexts - bringing joy to others - TheMa Publishers releases will not be about the insoluble tragic, but about knowledge based optimism towards the many lives that can be saved in the future.

This requires that our decision-makers in health care allows for good solutions, ones that scientists in some vital areas have found - and that in a short time can replace the bad.

To The Menu:

As publishers, we naturally have a rich text material on the website. Under "TheMa Publishing", "Book publishing", "Cancer, prevention and treatment" and "To Legislators and authorities" there is also follow-up texts. So that those who do not read everything should have a complete picture of the topics it is required for some repetition. We hope those of you that read everything bears over with this.

TheMa Publishing House
